(4, 1, 3, 2)
Woah woah woah. So let me get this straight. You signed up to wear minimal clothes in Buffalo, NY in front of 60,000 people and now you're mad that you were treated like a piece of meat? Like a circus animal or some kind of sideshow?
Your only job is to entertain the old, horny, creepy men that are at a football game and can't focus on the Bills missing the playoffs for the 15th year in a row.
And then these idiots complaining about not being paid for all of these appearances? How many times do you need to show up and not get paid before you realize what's going on? Being a Buffalo Jill is not the same as being a Buffalo Bill. No one cares about you. No one would ever pay to see you unless you're working at Sundowners. You're just like the little kid that runs out and grabs the tee after the kickoff, except they're athletic. You can be replaced at the drop of a hat and no one will notice. NO ONE.
This was my favorite part:
"Alyssa recalled that team managers herded the winning cheerleaders into a darkened room to watch a slide show. They saw screen shots of their Facebook pages, obtained without their permission. “You’re thinking, oh my God, this is so embarrassing,” she said. “And they never asked you about any of this.”
HA! Have you ever worked in a real place before? Or maybe poke around Facebook and find the "private" button. Just goes to show how fucking dramatic these women are. They never asked you to access your public facebook profile? OK, Hunny.
So take your stupid fuckin pom-poms and get the fuck out of my face. We got the drumline hardasses now!
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